BVT & BAT(版本验证测试和版本验收测试)
作者:网络转载 发布时间:[ 2016/6/7 14:08:29 ] 推荐标签:验收测试 验证测试
1、 AX的基础应用及开发部分(the BVT is a smoke test, the BAT suite's goal is to measure the basic functionality of the features in the build,and the BVT has a strong focus on AX Foundation and Development capabilities.)
2、 产品的基本功能测试
3、 应用程序启动测试
4、 产品设置测试
5、 业务流的测试
6、 工作流的测试
Types of BVT Tests
The BVT test cases will fall into one of the following three categories:
Foundation Tests - The Foundation feature areas form the foundation of the application design time and run-time experience. These tests are critical for both goals of the BVT.
2. Business Logic Acceptance Tests - Core business logic must work as expected for a build to undergo further testing, especially business logic that is built upon by other logic in the application. These test cases execute at an API layer and are built with the SysTest framework and wrapped by Test Services.
3. Application Smoke Tests - Core application capabilities must exist for a build to undergo further testing. These smoke tests exercise the application through the user interface and are a predictor of success in the next level of testing (BAT).
二、BAT(Build Acceptance Testing)
About Build Acceptance Tests for Microsoft Dynamics AX, BAT are a suite of high-priority tests run after an official product build to measure basic functionality of features in the build. Build Acceptance Tests are used to evaluate if key scenarios are functioning as expected. Users of a module, or the entire product, may use successful BAT results as an indicator that the build supports these basic scenarios.
Because BATs represent a subset of important tests from each of the teams, they should also be used to pre-test proposed changes that may have impact that is not localized to a feature team. Running private builds against the BATs prior to check-in provides evidence as to whether the proposed changes are likely to negatively impact tests (and by implication consumers). This pre check-in process is especially valuable for changes where the impact across all features may not be fully understood.
1、 主要功能的测试
2、 基础应用 (BAT suite has a focus on end user scenarios for both Foundation and Application functionality.)
The results of Build Acceptance Tests:
· Are an initial measure of build health: low pass rates are correlated with poor build health.
· Allow consumers to determine if they wish to use a build.
· Indicate if basic functionality is working (for those feature areas that are passing).
· Are used to qualify the build as sufficiently high quality for self-host use (all tests passing).
· Are a necessary prerequisite for limited external release of the build for preview and casual usage by Partners (e.g. TAP or CTP drops). (Requires that all tests are passing.)
三、BVT & BAT的区别
Unlike Build Verification Tests (BVTs), the results of BATs are not intended to be all or nothing, but allow the consumer to determine the state of the features of interest.
BATs run after each official build (after BVTs have passed) and do not “cause” build breaks if one or more of the tests fails. The run results of the BATs (and BVTs) are used to categorize the build into one of three states:
Self Host: A build where the BVT and BAT runs have a Pass Count greater than zero and a Fail Count of zero.
Self Test: A build where the BVT has a Pass Count greater than zero and a Fail Count of 0, but the BAT either has a Pass Count of zero, or a Fail Count greater than zero.
Self Toast: A build where the BVT has a Pass Count of zero or a Fail Count greater than zero.
BAT测试一般位于BVT测试之后进行,同时,两个测试的侧重点不同,BVT更侧重于build版本功能的完整性,对于功能的覆盖率,正确性及性能等各方面没有很大的要求,而BAT则相反。同时,BAT测试中的case,允许用户自己决定关注点应该更多的放在哪个模块,比如说对于一个金融会计公司,更关注财会模块(Finance,General journal等)功能的完整性和正确性的状态,对于供应链(supply chain)模块不关注,而对于物流公司则相反。
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