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作者:网络转载 发布时间:[ 2013/12/24 10:47:27 ] 推荐标签:配置 mantis

1.1.6. 不允许用户自己注册帐号



 * Allow users to signup for their own accounts.

 * If ON, then $g_send_reset_password must be ON as well, and mail settings

 * must be correctly configured

 * @see $g_send_reset_password

 * @global int $g_allow_signup


//$g_allow_signup= ON;


$g_allow_signup= OFF;

1.1.7. 修改时区



 * Default timezone to use in mantis.

 * See http://us.php.net/manual/en/timezones.php

 * for a list of valid timezones.

 * Note: if this is left blank, we use the result of

 * date_default_timezone_get() i.e. in order:

 * 1. Reading the TZ environment variable (if non empty)

 * 2. Reading the value of the date.timezone php.ini option (if set)

 * 3. Querying the host operating system (if supported and allowed by the OS)

 * 4. If none of the above succeed, will return a default timezone of UTC.

 * @global string $g_default_timezone


$g_default_timezone = '';


$g_default_timezone = 'Asia/Shanghai';

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