作者:网络转载 发布时间:[ 2011/2/23 16:48:13 ] 推荐标签:
测试用例的设计很重要,无论你采用的是敏捷测试还是传统的开发模式,测试用例都应该要文档化,并且根据项目的schedule,把握好粒度。而QA lead要根据项目的实际情况,先定好模板,制定好测试用例的编写规范。测试用例设计出来,质量如何?这需要对测试用例进行评审,这个过程非常重要,对测试人员的能力提高,测试效率的提高都有很好的作用。如果公司流程没有这个硬性要求,项目再忙,也要抽出一定时间,召集相关人员开个哪怕是非正式的评审会议,大家一起讨论用例并给出意见和建议,及时发现问题,并完善测试用例的设计。
测试用例的评审检查单(Checklist for Test cases):
1)Has the correct template been used?(是否使用了正确的模板?)
2)Have all the scenarios specified in the requirement ?explicit, implicit, nonfunctional and been converted into test conditions?(是否覆盖了需求规格说明,包括内在需求和外在和非功能需求?)
3)Have the related areas that include possibly be affected by the implementation of the requirement been identified and included in the test cases?(case是否对需求变更的部分进行对应的调整和增加?)
4)Have the following details been filled up correctly? Requirement references, test procedure, expected result, priority, author’s name, date created…(测试用例是否正确填写了测试对应的需求,测试步骤,预期结果,优先级,作者姓名,创建日期等..)
5)Has the test date set, if required been generated appropriate? (测试用例是否包含测试数据,测试数据的生成是否正确?)
6)Have the required negative scenario between identified in the test conditions? (是否包含了负面测试用例?)
7)Have the testing techniques?equivalence partitioning, boundary value analysis be used? (是否使用了等价类划分和边界值分析的测试方法?)
8)Have the steps been correctly given in appropriate sequence for each test scenario? (测试步骤是否被阐述清楚?)
9)Have the expected result been identified correctly? (预期结果是否表达正确?)
● Expected results should respond to the user actions given in each step/action.(每个步骤都应给出相应的测试结果)
● Ensure that too many things are not included to be verified under one expected output.(给出一个预期结果的验证步骤不要太多)
● Ensure that separate cases are written for multiple verifications of the application’s behavior. (每条case好验证一个问题)
● Vague statements like “Appropriate message/value/screen” etc. should not be part of expected result. Every detail should be clearly spelt out. (预期结果中不要使用模糊的语言)
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