您的位置:软件测试 > 软件项目管理 > 项目管理软件 > 禅道项目管理软件
作者:ktide 发布时间:[ 2016/7/12 14:04:41 ] 推荐标签:项目管理软件 禅道

  · 禅道中按产品计划统计需求阶段分布表

  · 使用纯sql替代报表设计
  sql 语句
  select t2.title, sum(t1.stage='wait') as PRD中, sum(t1.stage='planned') as PRD评审, sum(t1.stage='projected') as PRD完成, sum(t1.stage='developing') as 研发中, sum(t1.stage='developed') as 研发完毕,sum(t1.stage='testing') as 测试中, sum(t1.stage='tested') as 测试完毕, sum(t1.stage='verified') as 已验收, sum(t1.stage='released') as 已发布, count(t2.title) as 总计 from zt_story as t1, zt_productplan as t2 where t1.plan=t2.id and t1.product='43' and t2.product='43' group by t2.title

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